To Americans raised on Lucky Charms and Cookie Crisp cereals, breakfast in Israel is a revelation. Somehow, the bounty of every Israeli farm and hydroponic greenhouse makes its way to private and hotel kitchens across the land. I've told my friends a million times - I'd fly 11 hours to Israel for the morning meal alone. We stayed just outside of Tzefat in a nice hotel called the Canaan Spa. Though there seemed to be no spa services available, we felt healthier, anyway, by eating this bountiful breakfast. I loved the whole vegetables in straw bins, just waiting to be chopped up by the percussionist salad chef.
Breakfast at the Canaan Spa; Tzefat, Israel |
Breakfast at the Canaan Spa; Tzefat, Israel |
Boogie Along to the Salad-Chopping Chef; Breakfast at the Canaan Spa; Tzefat, Israel |
I'm not normally a fan of coach-bus tourism, but riding along with these like-minded women was a privilege and an honor. And we were lucky to have one of the best, most knowledgeable, most clever and witty guides in Israel; Nomi Appel-Hazi, who never missed a beat and stayed cool in the most frustrating situations. She shared personal stories, made us laugh and cry. She touched our hearts, making this a literal Heart To Heart visit to Israel.
Heart To Heart Bus 3; This is How We Roll |
Our Amazing Guide; Nomi Appel-Hazi Bus # 3 Heart To Heart Mission Israel |
IDF Navy Seal Nir Krichman, of Blessed Memory Namesake of "Nirim in the Neighborhood" Program for At-Risk Kids in Troubled Neighborhoods Israel |
Our final Heart to Heart "See Where Our Dollars Go" visit was to Nirim Schunot - or "Nirim In the Neighborhood" - a program run by IDF Navy Seals to help Israel's most distressed youth. Named for Navy Seal Nir Krichman, whose dream post-army was to help kids virtually abandoned by society (but who died during a military operation in 2002), this program is run by Nir's friends and family in his honor. Tough Navy Seals encourage at-risk teens to push themselves in Outward-Bound-like excursions into the deserts and mountains to positive effect. We were heartened to see yet another way that Israelis turn tragedy into hope for its most downtrodden citizens.
We shared our last meal together as a group at this stunning "farm-to-table" restaurant located within an orange grove, Cafe Tapuz in Moshav Bazra. I wasn't expecting much as we gathered in a circle, sharing what we each got out of the mission, but it turned into a very emotional and uplifting "encounter" group. These past few days affected us all deeply.
Cafe Tapuz, Moshav Bazra, Israel |
One of the most exquisitely set restaurants within an orange grove. Wow! Cafe Tapuz, Moshav Bazra, Israel |
On the patio overlooking the orange grove Cafe Tapuz, Moshav Bazra, Israel |
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