Apartheid - racial segregation; specifically a policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination.
For those who throw around the word Apartheid in regard to the little democratic country of Israel, especially on US college campuses where anti-Israel rhetoric is rampant, I'd like to offer a pictorial reality check. But first, a few facts. The whole population of Israel can be housed nicely within the five boroughs of New York City. Close to 8 million people, including 1.6 million Christian and Muslim Arabs, live in an area roughly the size of New Jersey. Yes, there are Arabs in Israel - Israeli Arabs live in many communities (mostly up north), serve in government, are doctors, lawyers, shopkeepers and professors and have full rights as citizens. So, if you claim that Israel is an apartheid state in regards to Arabs or Muslims, that argument is unsustainable.
If you learn about Israel through world media alone, you might imagine that all Israelis look like this;
But look closer. Women, like this striking Swedish-model-like version, also serve in the Israeli Defense Force. Here she is with her fellow soldiers, being "aggressive" with a bunch of tourists near the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
So, for those who cast aspersions on Israel, know the facts first. And then visit to see for yourself.
For those who throw around the word Apartheid in regard to the little democratic country of Israel, especially on US college campuses where anti-Israel rhetoric is rampant, I'd like to offer a pictorial reality check. But first, a few facts. The whole population of Israel can be housed nicely within the five boroughs of New York City. Close to 8 million people, including 1.6 million Christian and Muslim Arabs, live in an area roughly the size of New Jersey. Yes, there are Arabs in Israel - Israeli Arabs live in many communities (mostly up north), serve in government, are doctors, lawyers, shopkeepers and professors and have full rights as citizens. So, if you claim that Israel is an apartheid state in regards to Arabs or Muslims, that argument is unsustainable.
If you learn about Israel through world media alone, you might imagine that all Israelis look like this;
But look closer. Women, like this striking Swedish-model-like version, also serve in the Israeli Defense Force. Here she is with her fellow soldiers, being "aggressive" with a bunch of tourists near the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
This sassy group of beautiful girls speak fluent Hebrew. As Israeli citizens whose parents kept Jewish practices alive in their native country of Ethiopia before being airlifted to the land they yearned for, these girls represent the ever-diverse vibrant face of Israel. If you accuse Israel of being apartheid in regards to race, uh - no. Ethiopian Jews share the same political and economic advantages of all other Israeli citizens.
These boys are obviously religious Jews; you can tell by their tzetzeit (fringes), yarmulkes (head coverings) and the fact that they each kissed the Mezuzah at the door (a decorative object on the doorpost that contains a special prayer of safekeeping). Not only are Jews, Christians and Muslims allowed to practice their faith without fear of reprisal in Israel, but the largest Bahai Temple in the world is located in the northern city of Haifa. According to an Iranian friend of mine whose father was Muslim and mother was Baha'i, the Baha'i in Iran are reviled even more than Jews. Israel is one of the few places in the region where Baha'i feel safe enough to practice their faith in the open. For those who accuse Israel of apartheid when it comes to religion - well, that's the biggest fallacy of all.
The irony here is that those countries most vocal about Israeli "Apartheid" have the most contemptible Human, Women's and Religious Rights records on earth. If you are female, try to move around freely in Saudi Arabia. You can't even leave the house (let alone drive a car, which is forbidden) without permission from your father or husband. And try to practice any religion but Islam in those countries whose borders touch Israel's. You will be harassed or worse. And don't even get me started on Gay Rights. "Tolerance" is not exactly a watchword in those neighborhoods.So, for those who cast aspersions on Israel, know the facts first. And then visit to see for yourself.
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